Phoenix New Times names “Through and Through Gospel Review” the “Best Club Show” of the year
September 27, 2012
The Phoenix New Times has named the Through and Through Gospel Review show at Crescent Ballroom the “Best Club Show – 2012” in their anual Best Of Phoenix. Congratulations to Through and Through! They deserve it. It was on hell of a show. I was very honored to be a part of this great event.
If you do not know about Through and Through, they are a side project of Joel Marquard best known for his band Gospel Claws or as an original member of Dear And The Headlights. In 2011 Joel put out a album for Through and Through on Common Wall Media. It was a studio project that took Joel a few years to work on and features a number of Arizona Musicians, at the times there was no intention to ever do anything live with the project.
When Joel was diagnosed with Cancer or the Balls and a few of us (mainly Chucky Duff of Common Wall and myself) decided to host a benefit show for Joel. Since it was a show for Joel we all thought that it would be the perfect time to do a special one time only performance of Through and Through Gospel Review. We rounded up some bands; What Laura Says, Snake!Snake!Snakes!, Ladylike, Roar, Yellow Minute, and of course Gospel Claws and we booked as show. Then Joel rounded up a bunch of members from all those bands plus some friends (Rob Withem of Fine China, Shane Kennedy of Where Dead Voices Gather, Rachel Ludeman, J.D. Stooks, Bob Hoag, Becky Lee, members of Gospel Claws, and Marquard’s former Dear and the Headlights partner P.J. Waxman) and Through and Through put on one hell of a show.
You can read the New Times Review of that show at the time here. There is also a special $5 benefit comp for Joel you can buy here.