Deafheaven, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Jim Ward, Elizabeth Cook, Podcast But Outside and more on sale now
July 9, 2021
February 22
The PressroomDEAFHEAVEN returns to Phoenix next spring in support of their forthcoming album Infinite Granite! Their single “The Gnashing” came out yesterday – click here to listen. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
Deafheaven – “The Gnashing” (Official Audio) |
October 27
Rialto TheatreSQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS were scheduled to play Tucson last year, and the show has been rescheduled for October 27th! They’ll be performing their entire debut album and more. Tickets available now. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
October 16
Valley BarCountry singer/songwriter ELIZABETH COOK blew us away at The Rebel Lounge in 2019. We’re excited to have her back in town on Saturday October 16 at Valley Bar! CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
September 30
The Rebel Lounge
with EMILY DAVIS AND THE MURDER POLICEJIM WARD (of Sparta and ex-At The Drive In) is back at The Rebel Lounge on Thursday September 30th with a full band! CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
September 1
The Rebel LoungeThe hilarious interview-based PODCAST BUT OUTSIDE is doing a live show in Phoenix on September 1st! Will they interview you? Will they bring in some random people off the street? The only way to find out is to buy a ticket, watch the show, and then check in with yourself later to discover the answers to those very questions! CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS